Getting ahead in the Security Industry

15 July 2019
Getting ahead in the security industry

Like any other industry it is becoming more and more difficult to stay ahead of the pack in terms of being employed and getting ahead in the Security Industry. There are numerous fields within security itself from Cyber Security through to Physical Security, with each being a specialism and having many qualified and experienced professionals searching for their perfect role.

Whether you are new to the security industry or whether you are a seasoned professional, having up to date skills and knowledge is key, as with any other industry. There are numerous courses that cover security in general and these courses would provide a baseline knowledge of security operations, it is then a case of enhancing knowledge in one or more areas of security.

Deciding which areas to enhance your knowledge in may depend on experience, interest levels and how well you can adapt to a certain element of security. You may have a high level of experience in computing and so progressing your knowledge in cyber security could be a good option, or you could have worked as a security officer in the past and then a management qualification in security may be the ideal career progression for you.

We also need to consider job opportunities within the security industry and understand where the most need is in terms of available positions, meaning that some areas of security are more niche than others such as fraud investigation, TSCM and physical security as examples. There are many job sites on the internet which will allow you to search possible positions and by doing so understand the current job market in relation to those roles.

In some cases there may be clear and defined routes for progression with your current organisation and having the correct skills and training could be the difference between being able to progress or not. Any organisation should champion continual professional development and career progression, meaning that they should support you and your career goals.

Getting ahead in the security industry shouldn’t be impossible and with careful planning and direction then it is possible to navigate the career route that you desire. As an employer and accredited training provider then ASTA can assist you in your journey to getting ahead in the security industry.